The First Charity festival – Faculty of Engineering

Monday, 23 December 2013

Within the university’s keenness to achieve their goals in community service and support volunteering embraced the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Nasser University geometric creations made ​​in the hands of creative students from the Faculty of civil engineering and architecture .

The festival , titled ” charity festival first for the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Nasser University ” , which is held under the auspices of the college a university president . Dr. Saeed Al-Ghalibi and dean of the college in the presence of d . Mohammed Jerafi and director of Aptech center dr . Mokhtar Al-Sorori .

The bazaar in order to market and sell products proceeds back to the students themselves and to encourage the spirit of participation and initiative of the students to their participation in charity events such as this .

Bazaar lasted for a full day , which included many of the paragraphs musical and theatrical entertainment .

Provide participants with a variety of business and engineering models , drawings, and manuscripts which excelled students participating in the manufacture and impressed visitors who continued on coming to the bazaar throughout the day.

It also embraced the bazaar special pavilion cuisine and desserts made ​​students participating in the bazaar .

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