Scientific Visit by Pharmacology Students to YEDCO Pharmaceutical Industries

Monday, 31 March 2014

 Within its training plan, the Department of Research and Training at the Faculty of Medical Sciences has organized a scientific visit by the Pharmacology students to YEDCO Pharmaceutical Industry on March 27, 2014.  During the visit, students were firstly given an introductory lecture on the factory, its production lines, and the types of medicines it produces.  Afterwards, the students moved between the factory’s different sectors accompanied by officials and technicians.   The students listened to explanation about the functions of the following sectors:  Drug Control, Research, Development, and Quality, and then Production Dept. The visit comes to confirm the importance placed by the Department of Research and Training at the University on the field training without which the theoretical learning received by students remains deficient and inadequate. Such a program is meant to improve the students’ educational environment and to enable them to develop their professional skills by practicing their theoretical knowledge in real situations. Field training represents the first step in the path of the students towards success, excellence and creativity, because it offers them an opportunity to meet the practical life and deal efficiently with its real complexities. Furthermore, the trainees could acquire various experiences that help them cope confidently with difficulties or emergencies as well as ensure compatible jobs for them.