Students Trip to Charming Red Sea Mermaid

Thursday, 22 May 2014

 As part of the activities and entertainment program corresponding to the educational process, a leisure trip has been organized by Al-Nasser University. The three-day trip chose as a destination Al-Hudaidah city (Red Sea Mermaid) and comprised 40 students coming from the departments of Civil Engineering , Architecture , Information Technology , and Administrative Sciences.

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Setting out on the trip in the afternoon of Wednesday, 07.05.2014, the students had in their way to destination an entertainment program including chants, poetry recitation, quizzes, and various cultural performances. The program included, besides, hot debates that raised underlying issues concerning education, youth and community.

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Arriving in Al-Hudaidah at exactly eleven o’clock p.m., students enjoyed the night sea breeze at Al-Hudaidah Corniche before leaving for the hotel booked for their accommodation.
The students headed next morning towards the beach where they had their breakfast and went swimming and exercising till midday.
 Their next station was the Port where they got familiar with the various harbor processes of exporting, importing, shipping and storage. They also identified the different types of ships that dock at the Port ready to carry cargos to and from the Port that represents an important economic resource.

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 In the evening, the students partied at the Corniche.  In tune with the rhythmic sea waves, they chanted and had fun enjoying the refreshing sea atmosphere.
In the morning of the third day, they toured the streets of the city to get to know its most prominent markets, parks and gardens.  It was, however, the Jasmine necklaces sold everywhere in Al-Hudaidah, that appealed most to the students tempting them to buy it in large quantities. Bura’ Natural Reservation was the last station in the students’ tour.
At Bura’ Reservation, the students could not but surrender to the enchanting nature where crops and fruits are cultivated and where the people’s goodness and simplicity reflect if not outdo the locale’s beauty.
To the students who seemed to fall under the spell of the Red Sea Mermaid, it was very disturbing to come to the end of the tour and head back to Sana’a.
“Detour! Back to Sana’a,” announced guide Mufeed Alsharabi attracting the students’ attention to the trip’s schedule. Therefore, all their attempts to extend the stay in Al-Hudaida went in vain.

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وفي محمية برع الطبيعية،التي تعد من أجمل المحميات الطبيعية في اليمن، وهناك أخذتهم الطبيعة  الخلابة الساحرة،التي تمتاز بها المحمية، والمحاصيل الزراعية والفواكه التي تنتجها ، وما يتمتع به سكانها من بساطة وطيبة توازي جمال وروعة المكان في تناسق عجيب.

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Al-Nasser University is renowned for its cultural programs and leisure trips. These are prerequisites for man’s development. They enhance the cooperative relationships amid students on the one hand, and between the students and the University on the other. In addition, such programs provide relief, refreshment and a break from the daily burdens of study.

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