Al-Nasser University Participates in 1st Cybersecurity Conference Held by Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Represented by Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (Head of I T Department at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences), Al-Nasser University participated in the 1st Cybersecurity Conference organized by Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology on 7-9 June 2021.

The conference aimed at setting a national cybersecurity strategy by virtue of the competent and specialized cadre participating in the conference on behalf of several private and public companies and institutions. It was also intent to create a flexible and secure cyber-environment for both state and private sectors to achieve a digital transformation in Yemen, provide digital services to people, help the gifted persons attain their ambition, and enable enterprises to develop and serve the community.

Participants in the conference reached 700 specialists, experts and academicians belonging to the governmental bodies and public and private institutions and companies concerned. The conference’s sessions that spanned three days were concluded on Wednesday, 9 June 2021, with a number of presentations that discussed the cybersecurity and the upcoming challenges to the national sovereignty. They, moreover, tackled the cybersecurity risk management, trapping cyber-hackers, smart detection and control of threats, raising the collective awareness over internet hazards, and the cybersecurity technical precautions.

The conference recommendations included: preparing a strategy to qualify a national cadre specialized in cybersecurity and training the I T staff in every institution to cope with any possible cybersecurity threats. The recommendations called for open new cybersecurity academic programs or upgrade the curricula of the existing relevant programs to incorporate cybersecurity syllabus. They also stressed that users and individuals should be targeted by campaigns to make them aware of the safe use of network as well as the cybersecurity risks and crimes. In addition, the cybersecurity syllabus has to be included in the elementary and high school curricula.