Faculty of Humanities Holds Demo Trial

Wednesday, 02 March 2022

In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, a demo trial session was held by Faculty of Humanities on Tues, 1 March 2022. The demo trial was conducted by Sharia & Law 4th level students under the supervision of Judge Mohammed Muqbel Dukhan.

The Chancellor gave a speech at the outset in which he confirmed Al-Nasser University’s commitment to developing the students’ practical skills so as to prepare them for the labor market where they can serve their community efficiently.

The students acted out in the demo trial the roles of the members in an actual court trial and the proceeding procedures. Afterwards, Judge Dukhan gave his assessment of the performance and counselled the students with his observations that would improve their legal procedures related litigations, investigations, and giving sentences on the variable legal cases.

Mr. Ali Ethayfani, the Secretary General, praised the way the demo trial was well organized and performed by students. He also valued the support meted out by the Chancellor and deanship of faculty for such activities.

For his part, Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, Dean of Humanities, noted that a demo trial will be held every semester in order to improve the students’ practical skills. He extended his thanks to the Chancellor for sponsoring the present activity as well as to Judge Dukhan for his contributions. He also praised the performance of the participating students and wished them the best of success in future career.

The event was held at the University’s headquarter in the presence of Mr. Ali Ethayfani, Secretary General, Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, Dean of Humanities, Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, Head of IT Department, and Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi, Head of English Department.
