Rewriting the Self explores the process by which individuals reconstruct the meaning and significance of past experience. Drawing on the lives of such notable figures as St Augustine, Helen Keller and Philip Roth as well as on the combined insights of psychology, philosophy and literary theory, the book sheds light on the intricacies and dilemmas

Post Traumatic Stress

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

These are the thoughts and feelings two people who have experienced traumatic incidents.

Pinker Introduction to Psychology

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

Introduction to Psychology Prof. Steven Pinker


الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

The aim of this paper is to apply some recent results from the philosophy of action in the theory of narrative. The intuitive idea is that narrative discourse may be conceived of as a form of natural action description, whereas a philosophy or, more specifically, a logic of action attempts to provide formal action descriptions.

This book is based on the Nicod lectures given in Lyon and Paris in June 1999. I am very thankful to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Nicod Lecture Committee for selecting me, and to Jacques Bouveresse, Andr´e Holley, Pierre Jacob, Fran¸cois Recanati, Daniel Andler, Jo¨elle Proust, Jerome Dokic, Jerome Pelletier,


الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

PAUL RICOEUR has been the dean of the faculty of letters and human sciences at the University of Paris X (Nantcrrc) for many years and is currently the John Nu-veen Professor Emeritus in the Divinity School, the Department of Philosophy, and the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago.

History of Narrative Genres after Foucault

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

Thomas Kuhn and Michel Foucault have explored the role played by epistemological paradigms in shaping and limiting how the world is understood and what can count as true at different times. Kuhn took the natural sciences as his subject, while Foucault focused on the social sciences. In this essay I propose to explore the existence

Organizational Behavior

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

People at work in organizations today are part of a new era. The institutions of society and the people who make them work are challenged in many and very special ways. Society at large increasingly expects high performance and high quality of life to go hand-in-hand, considers ethics and social responsibility core values, respects the

When someone says, “I’m going online,” where are they going? Early in the 21st century, when so much of the globe is mapped and so much geography charted, is there really a new place to be visited on the World Wide Web? We think so. Considering online communication as a metaphorical journey involves adopting many

narrative,emotion and drama in music

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

narrative,emotion and drama in music

narrative ordinary events labov

الأحد, 18 مايو 2014

In most sociolinguistic studies of the speech community, narratives of personal experience play a prominent role. Within the sociolinguistic interview, narratives are one of the primary means of reducing the effects of observation and recording. In dissecting the stylistic shifts within the interview, narratives consistently show a shift towards the vernacular—that is, towards the first-learned

In a widely quoted riposte to critics who accused them of naive empiricism, Sackett and colleagues claimed that “the practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence