Chancellor Follows up Aptech Online Exams
An inspecting visit was made by Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) on Tuesday, 2 July 2019 to the computer labs at IT Department where he followed up the online exams conducted for the students at Aptech Center.
Praising Aptech program and its distinct exam mechanism, the Chancellor urged the students to prove their merit and competence in the exams that he has no doubt of as they can be evidenced by the practical projects they conduct.
According to Dr. Ennuzaili (Head of IT Department), Aptech exams are held in the end of each semester. The process is coordinated between the University and Aptech Headquarter- India by Mr. Fawaz Othman (Aptech Academic Principal).
The online exams are held on Aptech portal by dividing examinees into groups with an exam template for each. The exam session is 40 minutes during which questions have to be answered. Soon after the session time is over, examinees can get their results which are to be immediately saved in Aptech database.
The student who passes exams is elevated to the next level and receives via mail an accredited certificate from Aptech International Center.
IT Department of Al-Nasser University supervises and monitors the exam process as well as records and archives the students’ grades to verify them and avoid any technical errors that may appear later on.
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