12th Issue of Al-Nasser Journal Released
The twelfth issue of Al-Nasser Journal has been published. The refereed scientific journal is issued biannually by Al-Nasser University with a scope that covers the scholarly studies in both applied and social sciences.
The current issue comprised 11 academic papers which were subjected to peer reviews as well as the academic standards in terms of the issues they tackled. The following topics were included in the issue:
- Considering the Matter of Giving the Imam’s Followers an Option to Leave after Eid’s Speech: A Prophetic-tradition Study
- Democratic Orientation in Yemeni Family’s Actual Socialization as Realized by Children: A Theoretical and Field Study
- Traffic Accidents on Wad Madani- Khartoum Road, Sudan: A Study of the Urban Transport Geography.
- The Levant Sana’a Town: A Historical Study of Hadith
- Quoting the Poetry of Abi-El-Akhraz El-Hamani.
- Disbursement of Zakat on Incurable Diseases: An Authenticative Study.
- Rules of Amending the Contracts or Statutes of the Share-holding Companies
- The Series of the Hadith Narrators Belonging to Hadramout along with their Translation and Narratives.
- Sabotage Acts against Electrical Network and Towers and Oil and Gas Pipes: An Analytical Study Applying the Five Islamic Doctrines as Compared to Yemeni Law.
- The Availability of the Administrative Environment Appropriate for a Successful Implementation of Job Rotating Policy in Yemeni Civil Service Departments.
- Mobile Phones of Health Care Professional: A Silent Bacterial Threat at Republican Hospital-Sana’a.
According to Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, the Journal’s Editor, local and international papers were keenly incorporated within the current issue by the editorial board. Moreover, all published papers were approved by competent reviewers so as to enrich the scientific research and produce valuable studies to the interested researchers in their respective field of specialty.
Interested researchers can download soft copies of the current as well as the previous issues of the Journal by visiting its e-archive via the link:
For further details and enquiries, contact the Editor:
Email: journal@al-edu.com
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