17th Issue of Al-Nasser University Journal Released
The 17th issue of Al-Nasser University Journal has been published. The refereed scientific journal is issued biannually by Al-Nasser University with a scope that covers the scholarly studies in both applied sciences and humanities.
The current issue comprised two volumes. The 1st volume includes 10 peer-reviewed research articles under the following topics:
- Efficiency of Social Media Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic for Secondary 2nd Grade Students at Mahraq District Schools, Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Efficiency of Educational Modules Training Program in Developing the Instructional Quality of the Students Prepared to Be Teachers at Faculty of Education, Ibb University.
- Emotional Aspect of Saudi Poet Mohammed Ali Essenousi: A Descriptive and Analytical Study on Select Texts.
- External Relationships of Sudanese Islamic Kingdoms: Fung-Fur as a Model.
- Imagination and its Role in Shaping the Imagery of Ben Othaymin’s Poetry (1363 AH): A Descriptive and Analytical Study of Madih Poem.
- Family Control Methods and their Role in the Security of Family and Community: A Social and Analytical Study.
- Right of “Human Basic Needs”: A Comparative Study of Divine and Empiricist Legislations and their Applications in Saudi and Egyptian Laws.
- Faith Matters in the Preambles of Verbal Quran Chapters.
- Provisions of the Failure to Honor a Check in Saudi Law.
- Rhetorical Reading of Asdi Maqāmah by Badi’ al-Zamān al-Hamadāni.
The 2nd volume includes 11 research articles that tackled the following topics:
- Forward and Backward Word Movement in Mansoukh (Annulled) Nominal Clause According to the Scholars of Quran Meanings and Parsing.
- Legal Regulation of Arbitrator’s Confutation: An Analytical Study in Light of Yemeni and Comparative Arbitration Law
- Arabs’ Phonology.
- The Learning Progress of 1st Grade Students at Yemeni Elementary School with Primary Reading Book “I Read, I Learn.”
- Impact of Prior Knowledge about Exam Standards on the Learning Progress of Elementary School Students at Sana’a.
- Scholarly and Ideological Exertions of Imam Elhadi-ela-alhaq Yahya Ben Hussein.
- Concept of Terror in Light of Holy Quran: A Thematic Study.
- American Role in the War against Yemen during the Period 2011-2020.
- Normalizing the Relations with Israel: Its Legality and Impact on Islamic Reality.
- Apocalyptic vision in Amit Chaudhuri’s Novel A Strange and Sublime Address.
- Challenges of Translating Titles of Postgraduate Theses from Arabic into English.
According to Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, the Journal’s Editor, the Journal distinctly includes variable papers by local and Arab researchers. They tackled valuable topics and comply to the peer review rules and scientific methodology. They were also refereed by the journal’s board of specialized and experienced reviewers so as to enrich the scientific scholarship and contribute to development.
Interested researchers can download soft copies of the current as well as the previous issues of the Journal by visiting its e-archive via the link:
For further details and enquiries, contact the editorial board:
Email: journal@al-edu.com
Tel. No: +967 536 967/8/9
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