7th Scientific Week for Graduation Research Viva Held at FAFS
In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the first session of the scientific week was held at Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies. The event took place on Saturday, 19 September 2020, during which the 2019/2020 graduating students of variable specialties turned up for the viva voce of their graduation research projects.
In his speech, the Chancellor noted that the viva voce is an important and basic stage in the scientific research that qualifies the students for postgraduate studies. It is through this experience, he maintained, that the students can practice their theoretical learning. He also confirmed that the University is willing to conduct the necessary training courses to enhance the students’ professional as well as scientific skills so that they become competent for the labor market.
For his part, Dr. Fahd El Khayat, The FAFS Dean, pointed out that Al-Nasser University is giving a great attention to the graduation projects. Its programs include Research Methodology as a subject by which the students learn how to prepare proposals and conduct a research in accordance with the scientific rules and approach. He appreciated the Chancellor’s support and the faculty members’ efforts in this respect.
The presented researches were typical in terms of their topics. The research groups keenly dealt with some of the current problems that relate to the Yemeni labor environment and suggest solutions to them. The research projects were evaluated by the examination committee comprising Dr. Fahd El Khayat in addition to the supervisors, Dr. Hafidh Ezzekri and Dr. Faheem El Qadasi.
According to Dr. Faheem El Qadasi, Al-Nasser is one of the outstanding universities which conduct serious viva voce unlike many other universities consider the prepared projects enough. He noted that the studies conducted by the research groups are not different from the master degree dissertations in terms of the idea organization, methodology, and data analysis. They represent a valuable addition to the University’s academic profile.
The viva voce session was held at the University’s headquarter in the presence of Dr. Anwar Masoud, Director of Quality Unit, Dr. Mohammed Shawqi, Dean of Humanities, and many FAFS students.
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