Dhu Raidan High-Schools Students Visit Medical College
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Medical Sciences College at Al-Nasser University received on Thursday morning students of Dhu Raidan High-Schools who headed the University in a scientific visit.
Students were met by, the Registrar, Fuad Albadani, and the College Receptionist who welcomed the visitors of students and supervisors. He talked to them about the University’s history, establishment and how it developed into an eminent institution mainly committed to the applied aspects of education.
The students then moved amid the Faculty’s various departments escorted by Dr. Amar Omar, Head of Lab Dept. There, students closely identified the medical-test devices and scientific methods employed in Hematology, Microbiology, Histology, Parasitology, and Biochemistry.
Students also listened to Dr. Khaira, the Labs director, who briefed them on how to grow the bacteria and microbes and how to get rid of them in addition to the different lab processes and mechanisms.
The students moved to the pharmaceutical lab where Dr. Khaira gave a simple overview on the mini-factory and how tablets are produced out of raw materials to be shaped in various forms.
The Students’ scientific doubts were clarified while they obtained the valuable information related to both the theoretical and practical fields of the medical studies. They also showed great admiration for the University’s applied orientations.
At the end of the visit, during which the students enjoyed an academic atmosphere, they thanked the administration for offering them the opportunity to get acquainted with the college and its departments. They highly appreciated the warm reception they got and hoped to visit the University’s other colleges
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