Facilities Essential For A Modern Day University
Are you in the process of joining a university for your undergraduate degree program? You are likely to be very busy getting opinions from your friends and from your seniors about the best colleges and universities in Yemen. You are also likely to receive variety of advices and suggestions regarding various undergraduate degree programs, different colleges and universities the reasons for and against why you should join or not join a university and so on. It is good to review multiple institutions and get feedback or opinion from your friends. All these will help you make well-informed decision. The final decision should however be yours.
One of the areas that you should screen in your selection process is the facilities your modern day university should have and provide its students. It is important that your Yemen university has accredited curriculum and experienced teaching faculties. Besides these important factors, it is also very important that a modern day university has good infrastructure and facilities.
Many facilities, which are used to be considered luxurious, have now become very basic requirements for any university today. When you are selecting your undergraduate degree programs you should make sure that your university offers at least these basic facilities. Lack of basic facilities can make the whole environment very dull and dreary. Moreover, to be competent in today’s world, you should have good exposure to all the latest facilities in the academic environment.
Here are few important facilities that a modern day campus should have. The first item in this list of course will be a fully functional library. Does your university campus have a library that you can count on? Library is a very important supportive facility and without a good library you cannot afford to expand the horizon of your knowledge. You cannot afford to buy all the resource books required for your course. Even if you are purchasing the basic set of books, you should have access to extensive literature that is pertinent to your course so that you have adequate material to read around. Your library should have all the latest collection of books. You should have free access to the library.
Secondly, your university should have its own portal where you can find all the relevant resource materials, journals and college related information. Many universities will have their own portals but in reality they will be defunct and not used effectively by the students. Your college portal should not suffer such a fate. It is important to have a resourceful and interesting portal, which will help you enrich your knowledge.
Thirdly, a good IT environment is essential and these facilities should be accessible not only to the IT students but to everyone in the campus. The IT facilities should include good computer lab, internet and WI-FI access. We are living in an internet era and it is very important to remain connected today. You will find all these facilities and much more at Al-Nasser University Yemen as it is the best practical university in Yemen.
نائب رئيس جامعة الناصر يتفقد الإمتحانات بكلية الهندسة ويجري حوارات ودية مع الطلبة حول الإختبارات
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