How to Prepare Yourself for Your College Life in Yemen?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Joining your undergraduate degree programs is one of the best and the most important phases of your life. Given the fact that it is one of the most important phases of life, it goes without saying that you need to make adequate preparations to complete this phase into a very successful phase of life. What are the preparations that you need to make when you are joining your college in Yemen?
One of the things that you should do before enrolling for your accredited degree programs like Business and Finance or for any other IT courses in Yemen, you should try to visit the campus on a college or university open day. If you do you will be able to gather a lot of information. If you do not visit the campus prior to joining your institution, you will have to rely on the college Prospectus or Brochure and the helpdesk at your university for all the information you need. So as much as possible, try to make it to the university open day.
Secondly, never miss the college orientation day. This is where all the information that you will need is presented to the students in a formal way by the university that you are joining. Attending the college orientation day gives you a better grasp of the life at the campus.
You should make a complete list of items that you may be required to take with you when you are joining the college. You will have to plan your finances as well so that you can buy all the important items that you will need to support your life at the campus. Make sure that you purchase a laptop if you already do not have one.
It is important to be aware of the fact that this is going to be a stressful time of your life. However, this phase is just a passing cloud and it will not last for too long. You may have to put up with this stress for a maximum of just few weeks. So do not panic or lose heart. Most importantly, you should not make any hasty decisions regarding leaving your college just because things were not the same as what you have read about the college life or the way you expected it to be. Within a short period you will start liking the campus life. You need to give yourself some time to make some new friends and to explore the region.
As the Al-Nasser university does not have any accommodation options you will have to find your accommodation yourself. It is important that you make all these arrangements ahead of time and not wait until your college starts. If you make all your accommodation arrangements ahead of time then you will be able to focus on your studies without having to run around looking for accommodations. Moreover, if you start looking for your accommodation around the college well in advance, you will have access to the best properties. If you delay for too long, all the best accommodations would already be taken by the other students.
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