Undergraduate Degree Programs – Dealing With Academic Challenges
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Students that enroll for their degree programs in Al-Nasser University, Yemen have different levels of academic capabilities. No two individuals are the same when it comes to their academic performance. Some students have better grasp of the subjects while others may have difficulty in understanding the subjects. How to deal with the academic challenges that you are faced with when you join undergraduate degree programs?
Develop interest in your subjects. You are to select your bachelors degree program based on your interest. If you have done so then you need not have to go out of the way to anything special to get involved with your subjects. Secondly, do not limit yourself just to attending the lectures. Start reading around the subject especially the papers that you find difficult. When you gain more subject related knowledge your interest level will automatically soar high. You will however need to make consistent efforts.
Thirdly, understand the nature of assessments involved when you are enrolling for your accredited degree program. The conventional methods include assignments, tests, qualifying examinations, research projects, seminars and so on. Spend time to sharpen your skills on writing, research methods and making presentations. This will help you deal with the academic challenges better. Many students will have complete understanding of the subjects that they are learning but they may not do well when it comes to writing an assignment or presenting the information in a structured way. This has nothing to do with your interest level or your intelligence. You just need to equip yourself with adequate skills so that you can face the challenges easily without any problem.
Select your universities carefully because the quality of the education delivered will depend very much on the experience of the institution and the experience of the teaching faculties. If you select top universities like Al-Nasser University, you will receive practical education. All the faculties here are well qualified and highly experienced. Good teaching faculties not only make the classes interesting but they also help their students face the academic challenges more confidently.
If you are still finding it difficult to face the academic challenges, try to discuss it with your friends to understand how they are facing those challenges. Sometimes, it can also be due to the methodology one uses, so just try to adapt to new learning methodologies to see how you fair.
You should also be cognizant of the other changes that are happening in your life. For example, college life itself is new to you. If you are an international student, then you are living out of the country, trying to adapt to new language, new food and a different culture. All these factors are sure to take their toll on your. Do not get discouraged therefore; give yourself adequate time to adapt to the changes. You should also know that you are not alone in these struggles many students go through these motions. Take one day at a time and you will be able to see a steady paced growth.
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