Rector Inspects Semester-I Exam Progress
Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Rector, has conducted a visit to the examination halls at the University’s different colleges where he closely inspected the progress of the first-semester final exams, 2016.
The Rector surveyed how appropriate the exam questions are to the average examinees and how thorough they are of the syllabus. Noting to the importance of observing the University’s educational regulations, he valued the role of the examination committees in creating the best climate for students.
The rector was escorted by: Mr. Ali El-Thayfani (Secretary-General), Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (Dean of Humanities College), Dr. Yasser El-Madhaji (Head of Pharmacy Dept), and Dr. Nawal El-Zandani (Pharmacy Superintendant).
For his part, Dr El-Madhaji appreciated the Rector’s keen care for the educational process and his continuous observation of its progress.
From a different perspective, the students felt happy with the way exams are systematically managed and arising problems are instantly dealt with. They thanked the Rector for conducting such an exam-inspecting visit which certainly reflects the University’s academic commitments.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
الثلاثاء 17 جماد اول 1446 هجرية الموافق 19 نوفم...جامعة الناصر تنظم الندوة الثانية ضمن فعاليات وانشطة الذكرى السنوية للشهيد في مبنى كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب
نظمت جامعة الناصر صباح الأثنين الندوة الثانية ف...جامعة الناصر تدشن فعالياتها الخاصة لإحياء أسبوع الشـ هـيد 1446هـ
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قام طلبة الصيدلة بجامعة الناصر، بتسليم ريع فعال...