Charity Bazaar for Psychotics

Saturday, 16 April 2016

A charity bazaar to support psychotics with the slogan “Initiative for Humanity” has been organized by Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences and Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies.

In a speech that greeted attendees, Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean) explained how such an initiative meant principally to sympathetically alleviate the psychotics’ suffering. He thanked participants and highly valued the organizers’ diligent commitment to community affairs.

In the University’s name, Dr El-Kuhali announced the donation of YR 100,000 by Al-Nasser to Al-Amal Psychiatric Hospital.  

For his part, Dr. Sami El-Sharabi (Director of Al-Amal Psychiatric Hospital) thanked Al-Nasser Chancellery, Deans, and students for their support to psychiatric patients who usually fall victims to the community’s callous indifference. Noting that Al-Nasser is the first to come over with the psychiatric initiative, he confirmed the Hospital’s open-door policy that welcomes the like initiatives. He re-thanked whosoever played a part towards making a success of the present function.     

The Bazaar had an entertaining program with a number of art shows, poetic participations, and dramatic presentations by the University’s students and professionals. At the bazaar, food items, and traditional clothing were offered for sale with all the proceeds going to the patients of Al-Amal Psychiatric Hospital. 

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A charity bazaar to support psychotics with the slogan “Initiative for
Humanity” has been organized by Faculty of Engineering and Computer
Sciences and Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies.
In a speech that greeted attendees, Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali (FAFS
Dean) explained how such an initiative meant principally to
sympathetically alleviate the psychotics’ suffering. He thanked
participants and highly valued the organizers’ diligent commitment to
community affairs.
In the University’s name, Dr El-Kuhali announced the donation of YR
100,000 by Al-Nasser to Al-Amal Psychiatric Hospital.
For his part, Dr. Sami El-Sharabi (Director of Al-Amal Psychiatric
Hospital) thanked Al-Nasser Chancellery, Deans, and students for their
support to psychiatric patients who usually fall victims to the
community’s callous indifference. Noting that Al-Nasser is the first to
come over with the psychiatric initiative, he confirmed the Hospital’s
open-door policy that welcomes the like initiatives. He re-thanked
whosoever played a part towards making a success of the present
The Bazaar had an entertaining program with a number of art shows,
poetic participations, and dramatic presentations by the University’s
students and professionals. At the bazaar, food items, and traditional
clothing were offered for sale with all the proceeds going to the patients
of Al-Amal Psychiatric Hospital.