Workshop for Reviewing & Upgrading I T Syllabus
In the presence of CBT, Chancellor, and Secretary General, a workshop has been organized last Thursday, May 5, 2016 by Department of Information Technology. The workshop aimed to review, evaluate, and upgrade the I T syllabus.
Delivering the opening speech, the Chancellor greeted the participants. He confirmed that the present activity would implement the University’s plan to keep pace with the academic quality standards so that the overall educational process and outcome can be distinctive. Thereafter, Dr. Fahd El-Wesabi, gave an overview of the workshop’s main themes.
Throughout a brainstorming session, the workshop discussed the participants’ views over the current IT syllabus in terms of merits and demerits. The main topics included: reviewing and evaluating the current I T syllabus as well as the syllabus prescribed by Aptech; benchmarking the above-mentioned syllabus against the same programs in well-known regional and international universities; and considering the solutions and suggestions proposed by the participants over how to develop the current syllabus.
The conclusive session recommended holding further meetings by Head of Department and specialists that would consider reforming the entire I T curriculum. They are also supposed to subject the reformed version to tests and assessment before submitting it for accreditation. At the end of the workshop, participation certificates were handed over to participants by the Chancellor.
Participants included: Dr. Fahd El-Wesabi (Head of I T Department), Dr. Mansour El-Zabadi (FECS Dean), Dr. Amar Thabit (IT instructor at Sana’a University), Dr. Ameen El-Kastaban, Dr. Waleed El-Wajeeh, and a number of I T students.
Dr. Muh’d El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean), Dr. Muh’d Shawqi (Dean of Humanities College), and Dr. Abdulraqeeb El-Hanani (Head of Nursing Dept.) were among attendees.
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