Strategic Planning Workshop Organized by Quality Unit
In the presence of Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT) and Prof. Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), a training workshop was conducted last Thursday, Sep. 1, 2016 by the Quality Unit at Al-Nasser University over the strategic planning.
Delivering the opening speech, Dr. Muharram noted that the present workshop is part of a series of workshops held on the same topic. Praising the positive role of the Quality Unit, he confirmed that such activities are meant by the University to raise the colleges’ efficiency.
The workshop dealt with three main themes: defining strategic plan and its components, examining the internal and external environments of both Unit and University, and preparing the strategic as well as subordinate goals.
The Chairman of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Dr. Anwar Mas’oud, clarified that the central purpose of the workshop is to discuss the vision, mission, and objectives so that the Unit’s strategic plan can go in line with the rules of the Academic Accreditation Council at Ministry of Higher Education.
For his part, Prof. Tahish emphasized that the success of an institution lies in the precise vision, mission, and objectives of its strategic plan. He pointed out to the importance of strategic planning for any institution’s survival and progress the fact that has principally motivated conducting the present workshop.
Participants in the workshop, that was held at the Grand Hall, included: Secretary General, deans of colleges, heads of departments, and administrative directors. In the brainstorming session, the participants discussed in groups the themes and came up with solutions.
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