AL-Nasser Partakes in Cholera Control Campaign
Al-Nasser University took part in the National Cholera Control Campaign conducted on August 15, 2017. The campaign was carried out by the National Health Outreach Center affiliated to Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with WHO and UNICEF.
Participating in such a campaign confirmed the University’s sense of commitment to community by enhancing health outreach and controlling epidemics. The University’s participation came in the form of providing the caps and gowns for the campaigners across many districts of Sana’a.
Covering all over the national territories and targeting 3,449,210 houses, the campaign was promoted with the participation of many statesmen and VIPs.
Unprecedented in epidemic control outreach, the event intended to raise awareness over and protection against cholera. It was also meant to urge society into having a more positive role as well as educating the people about environmental issues to ensure the collective participation in epidemic control. According to Dr. Noaman El-Safi, Director of Health Office, El-Saba’een District, over 484,000 were infected and 2000 killed by cholera. A great deal of the epidemic outbreak was due to the lack of awareness and careless handling of patients as well. Stressing the significant role of social institutions, he thanked Al-Nasser University for the eminent partaking in health outreach campaigns including cholera control and immunization.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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