Civil Engineering Students had Field Training at PFRB’s Central Lab
In implementation of the Al-Nasser’s interest in developing the students’ practical and professional skills, a field training is being carried out by Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Sciences. Targeting fourth-level students, the field training takes place at the Central Lab of Public Foundation for Roads & Bridges.
The trainees are being introduced to the machinery and equipment of leveling up roads including the following devices: Asphalt Viscosity, Ignition & Flash, Penetration, Density Meter, etc. The training program is conducted by some of the PFRB’s efficient engineers with the direct supervision of Dr. Najeeb El-Shura’i (Head of Civil Engineering Department).
According to El-Shura’i, both the department and Al-Nasser University are keenly committed to offering the best theoretical as well as practical learning to students. The present training program, he maintained, is to cover a significant syllabus in Civil Engineering—highway engineering & testing the asphalt substance used for road construction. He, furthermore, pointed out that the training program is to go on for six weeks, six hours per week.
For their part, the participant students felt satisfied with the knowledge they derived from the training course. Student Amjad El-Thabhani said that he could identify the asphalt testing mechanism as well as road construction standards by making real-life experiments in the well-equipped lab.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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