ANU: Conclusion of 2nd Semester & Preparation for Final Exams
In compliance with the ANU 2017/2018 academic schedule, the second semester was concluded at the University’s various colleges and departments: Faculty of medical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Sciences, Faculty of Administrative & Financial Studies, and Faculty of Humanities.
During the twelve-week semester, the University was keen to offer the best learning facilities: qualified faculty members, appropriate curricula, well-equipped class rooms and labs, and activity program that varies between sports, entertainment, scientific visits, and cultural and social participation to maximize the students’ advantage.
On behalf of the University’s board, Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT) and Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) extended words of thanks to faculty and staff members for their enormous efforts to best accomplish the academic plan and serve Al-Nasser’s ideal goals. They urged students to work hard while learning and harder during the upcoming exams.
For his part, Dr. Yasser El-Math-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department) pointed out that the learning curve seemed pretty good at the end of the semester. While the prescribed syllabus was complied with, the faculty and staff members maintained the team spirit to help students get the maximum learning via an optimum learning environment.
A number of exam committees are formed in preparation for the final exams to start next week.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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