ANU Student Trip Program Starts off

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

The students’ leisure trip program for the academic year 2019/2020 was set off this week by ANU’s Student Affairs Office. The 1st trip was conducted on Sat, 22 Feb 2020, to Water Park at Shamalan neighborhood.

Targeting the Community Health 2nd and 3rd level students as well as the Pharmacy 1st level students at Faculty of Medical Sciences, the trip spanned one day. The participating students had much of fun and entertaining activities in the park’s various facilities such as swimming pool, volleyball and basketball playgrounds, skating area, and so on.

The students were accompanied by Mr. Jabr El-Absi ( FMS Lab Superintendent) and Mr. Fathi El-Oqabi (Director of Student Affairs). The latter pointed out that such trips are part of the student activity program for the current academic year. The program will go on during the upcoming weeks to involve the students of other departments.

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