Community Health & Nursing Depts Implement MHP Field Training Programs
A number of field training programs ascribed by Ministry of Health and Population were carried out by both Community Health and Nursing Departments, Faculty of Medical Sciences. The field training targeted the students of 3rd and 4th level at both departments for two weeks.
Starting off on Mon, 1 March 2021, the program lasted for four days, at two days a week. The program’s plan covered field visits conducted to: National Center for Health Education, National TB Control Program, Expanded Program on Immunization, and National Malaria Control Program.
According to Dr. Mohammed Eshahith (Head of Community Health Department), the field visits are meant to enhance the practical part of the theoretical classes, improve the students’ skills, develop their capabilities in the fields of healthcare and preventive medicine, and prepare them for labor market.
The students were introduced to the variable jobs, activities, and work mechanism of the different health centers. The field training program is to go on for the two next weeks during which the students will visit Palestine Hospital (previously so-called Zaid) and the headquarter of Ministry of Health.
The above activities are part of the second semester training program recommended by Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean) and approved by Prof Abdullah tahish (the Chancellor). The program plan, prepared by the heads of departments at FMS to improve the students’ healthcare skills, is to be thoroughly followed up by Ms. Amirah Elmolaiki (the training officer).
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