Community Health Department Organizes Informational Meeting on Program Importance
In the presence of Prof. Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, an informational meeting was organized by Community Health Department at Faculty of Medical Science on Sat, 6 Nov 2021. The meeting targeted the fresher students of the Community Health program to introduce them to the importance of their specialty.
Addressing the students, Prof Tahish accentuated the importance of Community Health program as one of the fields that contribute to improving the national health conditions. He also pinpointed that the University seeks, through the program’s outcome, to implement its objective of community service by choosing graduation projects that touch upon real-life social problems.
The meeting’s key speech was delivered by Prof Ahmed Mohammed Elwade’I (Director of International Company for Advising, Productions, and Systems – i-APS). He briefed the attendees on Public Health field and its significance for developing countries, in addition to the career opportunities for the program’s graduates. He also discussed the importance of scientific research as well as focusing on the topics of graduation research projects the findings and recommendations of which can help improve the national health and environment conditions
For his part, Dr. Mohammed Eshahethi, Head of Community Health Department, pointed out that the meeting represents an academic activity to enrich the students’ knowledge about their major and its career prospects in labor market. He presented his sincere thanks to the board of the Al-Nasser University for the constant support to the Department’s activities.
The meeting was held at the University’s headquarter in the presence of Mr. Mohammed Elwade’i ((Director of Educational Institutions at Judicial Guard Office), Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean), Dr. Fahd Elkhayat (FAFS Dean), Dr. Mohammed Eshahethi (Head of Community Health Department).
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