Chancellor Participates in 2nd Conference of Dentistry
Represented by Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, and Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, Al-Nasser University took part in the 2nd Conference of Dentistry held by Sana’a University during Feb 22-24, 2022.
The opening speech was delivered by the Prime Minister, Prof Abdulaziz Ben Hebtour. The chief guests included: Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Minister of Public Health and Population, Vice Minister of Higher Education, Chairman of Supreme Medical Board, Chancellor of Sana’a University in addition to deans of faculties, heads of public and private universities, and dentistry research scholars.
About 70 research papers are to be delivered during the three-day symposium with the participation of over a thousand national and international academicians and dentists from Egypt, Algeria, China, and Syria. The presented papers tackled topics related to the Maxillofacial surgery and diseases: maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, compensatory surgery, reconstructive surgery, and advanced surgery. In addition, the modern technologies of Orthodontics were reviewed.
The event is intended to apply the modern methods in students’ training as well as developing the faculty’s research skills. It also helps update the national dentists about the latest international technologies and substances of dentistry and break the siege imposed on Yemen. Moreover, it helps the national cadre make use of the professional and scientific experiences of many well-known universities in the field of maxillofacial treatments, namely in Egypt, Algeria, China, and Syria.
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