FAFS Concludes 8th Scholarly Week of Graduation Research Viva
Under the auspices of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies concluded on Wed, 20 July 2022, the viva sessions of the research projects presented by the 2021/2022 graduating students from the FAFS variable programs.
Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, gave a speech on the occasion in which he extended the words of thanks to the FAFS deanship along with the faculty and staff members for their imprint perceptible in the programs’ quality outcomes. Addressing the students, he asserted that the arrival to their last stage of college years as well as presenting such excellent projects qualify them to be a source of pride and typical representatives for the University in the labor market.
The conclusive viva session comprised three research groups by Administrative Information Systems students. The first group presented a project on “University Security System” with the examiner committee consisting of Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (the supervisor), Mr. Hani Elghaithi (the external examiner), and Dr. Mohammed Elkhawlani (the internal examiner). The second project was on “Cancer Patients Android Application” with the examiner committee consisting of Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (the supervisor), Mr. Hani Elghaithi (the external examiner), and Dr. Mohammed Elkhawlani (the internal examiner). The viva session was concluded with a project tackling “Customer Waiting Service” with the examiner committee consisting of Dr. Mwafaq Elbarraq (the supervisor), Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (the external examiner), and Dr. Mohammed Elkhawlani (the internal examiner).
The viva session was held at the University’s headquarter in the presence of Mr. Ali Ethayfani, Secretary General, Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, Dr. Fahd Elkhayat, FAFS Dean, Mr. Salah Eladlah, Head of Administrative Studies Department, staff members, and FAFS students.
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