MOHESR Honors NU for Ranking 2nd in IT Competition
Al-Nasser University was honored by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for garnering the 2nd rank amid the Yemeni universities in the 1st IT competition organized by the Educational Affairs Sector at MOHESR. The event is part of the scientific, knowledge, and sport competition program held for the students of the Yemeni universities in 2023. The honoring ceremony was held on Sun, 12 March 2023.
The ceremony was held in the presence of Vice Prime Minister for Services and Development, Minister and Vice Minister of Higher Education, Deputy Ministers for Research and Educational Affairs, a number of deputy ministers and heads of public and private universities. Al-Nasser University’s delegate includes Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Mr. Arkan Al-Aghberi, the IT specialist, and the IT students participating in the competition.
Comprising over 100 participants from 32 universities, the competition intended to promote the competitive spirit of creativity and allow the exchange of expertise between the public and private universities. In addition, it incites the students’ innovativeness, self-learning, and skills as well as initiates the universities’ role in organizing religious, scientific, cultural, sports, and art activities which help discover the talented students in the variable fields of knowledge.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
الثلاثاء 17 جماد اول 1446 هجرية الموافق 19 نوفم...جامعة الناصر تنظم الندوة الثانية ضمن فعاليات وانشطة الذكرى السنوية للشهيد في مبنى كلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب
نظمت جامعة الناصر صباح الأثنين الندوة الثانية ف...جامعة الناصر تدشن فعالياتها الخاصة لإحياء أسبوع الشـ هـيد 1446هـ
بحضور رئيس الجامعة الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالله حسين...جامعة الناصر تنظم الوقفة التضامنية الاسبوعية مع غزة ولبنان وتؤكد الجهوزية في مواجهة قوى الاستكبار
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قام طلبة الصيدلة بجامعة الناصر، بتسليم ريع فعال...