رئيس الجامعة يفتتح المعرض الاول لمجسمات طب وجراحة الفم والاسنان

Monday, 07 August 2023

The Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, opened on Tues, 1 August 2023, the 1st dentistry models gallery organized by Dentistry students at Faculty of Dentistry building.

The Chancellor talked about his sense of pride over the great models displayed by students, which certainly testify to the high, scientific competence and skills qualifying them to make a distinct imprint in their specialty. He also noted to Al-Nasser University’s will to support with all means its students’ excellent projects and innovative ideas.

The gallery’s opening ceremony was held in the presence of Mr. Ali Ethayfani, Secretary General, Prof Khaled Abdussalam Elhadad, FD Dean, Dr. Fahd Elkhayat, FAFS Dean, Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, FECS Vice Dean, and Dr. Mohammed Babaqi, FD Academic Superintendent.