Al-Nasser University Holds 2022/2023 Convocation in Prime Minister’s Presence
The annual academic convocation was held by Al-Nasser University on Sun, 22 Oct 2023 to celebrate the graduates from all programs at Faculty of Medical Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies, and Faculty of Humanities.
The event’s program included several segments, beginning with a recitation of Quranic verses followed by the opening tape sided with both Yemeni and Palestinian flags being cut by Prime Minister Prof Abdulaziz Ben Habtour, Prof Ali Sharaf-Eddeen, Vice Minister of Higher Education, and Prof Abdullah Tahsih, the Chancellor. The national anthem was played thereafter and a reportage shown that introduced the audience to the achievements and activities of the University for the last year.
Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, FECS Vice Dean, read the Chancellor’s decree to be followed by Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, reading the graduation oath and the graduates repeating it. The Palestinian national anthem was played followed by a pause of silence for Gaza people. A chant was sung by Hail Essoudi and a dabkah (Palestinian traditional dance) was performed by Fan and Hadharah band. The graduates’ speech was delivered by Mariam Hajeb and Salah Eladoul followed by the University’s official operatic performance done by Fan and Hadharah band.
The University Chancellor, Prof Abdullah Tahish, gave a speech in which he greeted the audience and congratulated the graduates in general and top-ranking ones in particular. The Chancellor noted that Al-Nasser University is celebrating the graduation of 562 students. He also confirmed that NU seeks to achieve its goals guided by its slogan, “Steady Steps toward Prominence” as well as by its profound faith in the great mission the University, alongside with all its departments, is committed to. He, moreover, stated his solidarity with Gaza people against the genocide carried out by the Zionist state.
The Vice Minister of Higher Education gave a speech in which he greeted the audience and congratulated the graduates. He also appreciated Al-Nasser University for the distinct academic position it has occupied. Besides, he talked about the events taking place in Palestine and expressed his intensive grief for the horrible genocide and massacres executed there.
The Prime Minister Prof Abdulaziz Saleh Ben Habtour gave his address by which he appreciated Al-Nasser University’s keen interest in sharing such happy moments of success with its students. He also extended his congratulations to the graduates of the variable programs.
The event was concluded with honoring the chief guests, top ranking students, and all graduates.
The convocation took place as an annual program the Al-Nasser University organizes to celebrate the graduates and reward the top-ranking students at all faculties and departments.
#Steady_Steps_toward_ Prominence
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