Admin Freshmen Won against Pharma Juniors in Penalty Shoot-out
As part of the football tournament organized by the University, Pharmacology Juniors played a football game against Administrative Freshmen. Both teams showed an equivalent great performance having nearly the same number of attacks and misses.
The highly competitive atmosphere caused the game’s first half to end in a tie 2/2. As the referee’s whistle marked the beginning of the second half, both teams struggled to win. Each team could score two more goals so that the enthusiastic game ended in a draw of 4/4 goals.
The Admin Freshmen player, Emad El-Hutami, starred throughout the game scoring a hat trick whereas the team’s fourth goal was scored by player Assad. The Pharma Junior star, Ali Ka’wat, made a brilliant show kicking many balls against the opponent’s goal.
As the ordinary part of the match ended in a draw, penalty kicks were decided and thus the Admin Freshmen team won the game.
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