Admission Open in ANU’s Architecture Department
An announcement has been made by Al-Nasser University that the admission in Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Sciences started for the 2018/2019 academic year. The interested students having a secondary school degree with a 75% grade can apply for enrolment via the e-application portal link .
Recently resumed after a year of suspension, the architecture program started again by the decision of Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research that was issued based on the recommendations of the evaluation committee endorsed by the Council of Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance. The committee’s report praised the program and its prerequisites that were prepared in accordance with the benchmarks of the Council.
The architecture program of Al-Nasser University is one of most outstanding programs as it offers the bachelor degree to students upon the completion of four-year study. It encompasses architectural as well as urban learning, scientific research, and community service.
The students have to pass an intense course in Engineering. They are also being qualified enough to practice well the architectural engineering including the designing and implementation of architectural projects as well as the ability to create a sustainable urban environment. The students’ communication and teamwork skills are cultivated. They are introduced to the profession ethics and engineering rules and regulations. In addition, they learn the scientific research approaches so as to keep updated about the developments in their field of specialty. In short, the student pursues the engineering subjects that make him/her a brilliant architect able to practice the profession competently and overcome any career challenges.
Further details on the program can be found on the University’s website via the following link :
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