Agreement Signed with SALEKON & Smart Microsystems

Monday, 14 March 2016

An agreement was signed last Sunday between the University on the one hand and SALEKON Organization and Smart Microsystems for Communication Technology on the other. The agreement provides for the “My University” e-service which aims to develop the academic, interactive education.

 “My University” e-service is supposed to create modern channels of communication between the University and all its affiliates via offering several interactive services, in addition to educational content and mobile applications management.  Such services will certainly facilitate the means of effective communication among the parties involved in the educational process.

 In a statement, Prof. Abdullah Tahish (Chancellor) noted that the signed agreement confirms the University’s constant interest in offering the best academic and educational services that must be in line with the technological progress and facilitate the exchange of information as well. Moreover, it would help the University receive the students’ feedbacks and thus improve its academic and administrative performance.

By providing such a service, both SALEKON Organization and Smart Microsystems seek to integrate the interactive tools into the Varsity programs so as to build an advanced educational environment with an active integral communication.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Abdullah Tahish on behalf of the University in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT). For their part, Smart Microsystems was represented by Mr. Mukhtar Thyab (Chairman) whereas SALEKON by Ms. Dunia Ahmed (Director of Training).

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