AIS Students Attend TIIB Training Session
A training session was organized by Tadamun International Islamic Bank for the Administrative Information Systems sophomore students, FAFS, Al-Nasser University. The session was held at the TIIB’s Headquarter at El-Zubairi St. on April 5, 2018.
The students were received by Mr. Faris El-Fatish (the Bank’s training specialist) and Mr. Abdulqawi Hassan (HRD Director). The latter noted to the Bank’s sense of pride over the collaboration with such an outstanding university as Al-Nasser. Briefing the students on the training program, he counselled them to avail themselves of the trainers’ expertise as well as improve the professional skills required for the labor market.
The training program includes many topics presented by the bank’s specialists. Dr. Abdulmalik Mulhi made a presentation that introduced the human resource department and its work mechanism whereas the concept of money laundering & control methods was tackled by Mr. Mu’ath El-Sayed (Head of Compliance Dept.) and Mr. Ameen El-Sagheer (Head of Money Laundering Control Dept.). Dr. Anwar El-Zubairi (Chairman of Sana’a Branch) explained the concept of Islamic investment and shew the difference between Islamic and commercial banks. Mr. Nabeel El-Awami (Head of Tadamun Buy Office) discussed the money transfer services the bank offers. Mahfazati electronic services were explained in detail by Mr. Ahmed Ba-Matraf.
Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean) pointed out that ANU is keenly interested in establishing strong bonds with the national active institutions of which TIIB stands out as the most important. He appreciated the warm reception by the Bank’s staff, praised the well-organized training, and wished such a collaboration between TIIB and ANU would go ahead.
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