Al-Nasser Commemorates Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday 1442 AH
A celebration was organized by Al-Nasser University on Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020 (10 Rabe’ Awal 1442 AH) to commemorate the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (peace and prayers be upon Him). The event embodied the University’s social commitment to religious occasions by reviewing the Prophet’s biography so as to follow his honored manners.
The celebration was organized in the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), Dr. Sadiq Esheraji (Deputy Minister of MOHESR for Scientific Research), Mr. Abdussalam Elhadi (Director of Legal Affairs at MOHESR), Mr. Raed Eshaer (Executive Officer at the Judicial Guard Office), Mr. Mohammed Elwadei (Director of Educational Institutions at the Judicial Guard Office), Mr. Salim Elwaeli (a member of the education directorate of Ansar Allah), Shiekh Ali Essoufi, Shiekh Ali Elhouthi, Mr. Ahmed Shams-Eddeen, and Mr. Marwan Elodaini.
Prof Tahish delivered a speech in which he greeted the guests and congratulated them on the occasion. “I hope,” the Chancellor pointed out, “that such an occasion would leave its positive effect on our morals, manners, transactions, and nationalistic values.” He noted that the Prophet Birthday Commemoration is an occasion celebrated all over the Islamic world. he also confirmed that it is an occasion to honor Prophet Mohammed (ppbuh) who had established the great Islamic history and civilization.
For his part, Dr. Sadiq Esheraji (Deputy Minister of MOHESR for Scientific Research) gave a speech by which he noted to how such an occasion is necessary to nourish our spiritual needs. He also extended his thanks to the board of Al-Nasser University chaired by the Chancellor as well as its staff for commemorating the event. “When we commemorate Prophet Mohamed (ppbuh),” he maintained, “we never add to His already honorable grace or lofty status. We rather need to enhance our faith in as well reliance on Allah in order to improve our spirituality and deeds as well. Reviewing the biography of Prophet Mohammed (pbbuh) guides us to how the strong bond He kept up with Allah enabled Him to make a great change in the stubborn, chaotic, pre-Islamic community who denied His heavenly mission though He was known to them as the Sincere and Honest. Nevertheless, He could change that barbarian community into a civilized one by which He won the war against disbelievers. We are in need of following His approach to change our reality.”
Mr. Salim Elwaeli (the member of the education directorate of Ansar Allah) praised Al-Nasser University for hosting the honorable event and thanked whoever attends and interacts with it. Invoking Allah to purify their deeds from hypocrisy, he confirmed that the Prophet’s birthday is great occasion the commemoration of which proves our love to and bond with Prophet Mohammed (ppbuh). He stated, “Prophet Mohammed (ppbuh) is a bless endowed by Allah. He guided us out of the pre-Islamic life and redeemed us from its darkness. Our commemoration is, thus, to display our love and glorification for Him (ppbuh) that we must prove in words and deeds by following His morals and manners so as to gain the profits in reality. It also conveys a message to the people who offended His honorable person that Prophet Mohammed (ppbuh) dwells deeply in our hearts and He is our foremost example.
Hosted by the starring presenters, Belal Elarabi and Basmah Elmath-haji, the event’s program included variable shows that reflected the great occasion. It was remarkably attended by the Secretary General, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, deans of faculties, heads of departments, staff members, and the University’s students.
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