Al-Nasser Holds Annual Celebration for 1444 AH/2022-2023 Fresher and 2021/2022 Top Students

Monday, 07 November 2022

In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the annual celebration to welcome the 1444 AH (2022/2023) fresher students and reward the 2021/2022 top students at the different colleges was organized by Al-Nasser University at Chief Guests Hall, Sana’a, on Sun, 12 Rabi al-Akhar 1444 AH corresponding to 6 Nov 2022.

Addressing the audience, Prof Tahish greeted the attendees and noted to the distinct position and good name achieved by Al-Nasser University through producing well qualified graduates who would contribute to the national wellbeing. The Chancellor presented his congratulations to the top students on the success they accomplished and urged the fresher students to follow the top-student examples. He concluded his speech by wishing them all the best of success.

For his part, Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and Head of I T Department, gave a speech addressing the fresher students in which he noted that the college years period offers a typical opportunity for students to enrich their knowledge and acquire the key professional and life skills such as leadership, team work, time management, and self-learning. He also confirmed that the University had its syllaba designed by expertized faculty so as to keep pace with the local and regional labor market. Al-Nasser University, he maintained, shall be proud of its graduates as much as they are of it.

Presented by the starring hosts Belal El-Arabi and Basmah Elmath-haji, the event’s program began with handing honor certificates and plaques over to the top students of the University’s variable academic programs. It included a video reportage about Al-Nasser University, the top-student speech in Arabic and English, in addition to folklore and artistic shows.

The event was held in the presence of Mr. Ali Ethayfani (Secretary General), Prof Omar Eshuja (DQAC Dean), Prof Khaled Elhadad (Dean of Faculty of Dentistry), Prof Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean), Dr. Mansour Ezzabadi (FEFS Dean), Dr. Fahd Elkhayat (FAFS Dean), the heads of departments, faculty and staff members, and the fresher and top students’ families.