Al-Nasser Participates in Pharmacy Owners Syndicate’s Commemoration of World Pharmacist Day
Al-Nasser University took part in the celebration organized on Monday, 27 Sep 2021, in commemoration of the World Pharmacist Day by Pharmacy Owners Syndicate in collaboration with Public Investment Board under the slogan, “Pharmacists are Trustworthy Health Cadre”. The University’s delegate comprised Dr Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department), Mr. Jabr Elabsi (the FMS Lab Technician), Ms. Ashwaq Eladeeb (a superintendent at Medical Labs Department), and a group of student from Pharmacy Department.
During the event, Al-Nasser University’s delegate exhibited a specimen of the pharmaceutical products prepared by the “Productive Pharmacist Cohort” in the labs of Faculty of Medical Sciences based on empirical studies and in accordance with international standards. They manufactured products were also supervised by faculty members with a great expertise in pharmaceutical production, namely Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean), and Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department).
Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Hussein (the Deputy of Public Investment Board) gave a speech in the event taking place at Errazi University in which he confirmed, “Commemorating the World Pharmacist Day highlights the important part played by pharmacist in medicine safety assurance as well as their contribution to the community health education, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Public Investment Board,” he maintained, “had prepared in collaboration with the concerned bodies the national strategy for pharmaceutical industries in order to encourage the investment in pharmaceuticals and producing the important medicines.” He noted that the Board has presented a package of guarantees and facilitations for the sake of setting out national pharmaceutical companies.
Dr. Mohammed Ennuzaili (the Pharmacy Owners Syndicate’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees) reviewed a number of ambitious project drafts that the Syndicate is working on, namely establishing the Yemeni Pharmacist Federation, issuing a treatment guidebook of community pharmacist, establishing a national pharmaceutical company with local capital and pharmacy owners as shareholders, and the requirements of attracting global pharmaceutical companies to invest in Yemen.
The event was held in the presence of Ali Elqatabri (Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Labor), Prof Abdulmalik Abu-Dunia (YEDCO’s Chairman of the Board of Directors), and a large number of pharmacists and representatives of pharmaceutical companies and agencies in Sana’a.
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