Al-Nasser Set Pleasure Trips Program out
Organized by the Students’ Affairs Directory, the students’ pleasure trip program was set out with two trips conducted on Sunday and Monday, March 11 &12, 2018 to Family Park, Sana’a.
Escorted by staff members as guides, 107 female students of FAFS and Humanities departments participated in the Sunday trip and 100 Pharmacy male students in the Monday one.
According to Mr. El-Okabi, Director of Students’ Affairs, the trips take place as part of the University’s program of entertainment activities meant to take the students in a refreshment break away from the classes’ daily routine. He, moreover, presented his thanks to the University’s board for taking interest in as well as organizing such activities.
Lasting for full days, the trips contained a lot of amusement and sport activities. The students had a lot of fun and passed a pleasant time in the park’s various facilities.
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