Al-Nasser Students Greatly Satisfied with College’s First-week
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
As the study of the current academic year began on October 18, 2014, and after the upgrades launched by the University to curriculum, labs, and infrastructure, the students’ reactions have been hereby surveyed.
At first sight, one feels happy at the scene of the students moving around cheerfully in the University’s campus that they greatly love.
Student Shihab Abdussalam Almathhaji—second-year, Accountancy—was the first to react with the statement, “It is a promising start in multiple respects.” When asked what he meant by multiple respects, his answer was, “In one respect, students’ presence looks active and enthusiastic.” The reason, in his opinion, refers to the ability of the University to achieve its goals and excellently convey its message to the community and thus could attract students to join it. “In another respect,” he maintains, “Academic cadre is excellent. We have a good relationship with them all. New teachers have come over while undesirable old ones vanished, thanks to the University’s administration, for a teacher is the link between the University and students. Furthermore, the University has made great efforts towards offering positive educational atmospheres, so they are supposed to carry on.”
As for the question, “How does the current political situation affect the student’s psyche?” Amjad Jinan confidently replied, “It has added to our sense of insistence and willpower. We must stick to learning and knowledge so that we can contribute to our nation’s economy, stability and security. The worse the situation gets, the more urgent it becomes for us to learn and learn in such a great applied-science university.”
Most of the students who talked about their feelings in the semester’s first week said that they feel happier and secure within the University. Ayman El-Ward said: “Despite the disturbing news about the situation of the country that we hear and watch, I forget everything soon as I get into the campus. May Allah help all my colleagues? Shayma Ahmed Ana’m—first year, English Dept.—talked about pleasant learning atmospheres and cooperative faculty. “Noticeably,” Shayma confirmed, “there is a lot of competition among the students along with the sense of solidarity and cooperation. I feel happy with this university that I love. I also admire the well arrangement of lectures and halls where the constant change creates refreshment. Curriculum also looks good and enlightening. I am sure I will be outstanding in this university where everyone is excellent and cooperative. We have already been organized into groups. I wish my colleagues all the best.”
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