Al-Nasser Team for Universities Semi-finals
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Al-Nasser Team qualified for the Universities League semi-finals after winning the game against Al-Andalus University. Al-Nasser scored at 4/1 on penalty shoot-outs as it plays versus Al-Andalus within the context of the eleventh tournament of Universities League Championship.
In the first half, Al-Nasser was almost in control of the game making intense attacks. Since the very beginning, the team was about to score into Al-Andalus’ goal, but the latter’s fortified defense turned most balls into misses.
In the second half, both teams exchanged attacks trying to score goals, but the game ended with a tie (0/0) and, therefore, it went to penalty shoot-outs.
The brilliance of Al-Nasser’s goalkeeper, Ahmad Ba-Qmish in fending off three of the shootouts bent the result to his team’s favor at 4-1.
The four teams qualifying for the semi-finals are: Al-Nasser, University of Science and Technology, University of Modern Sciences, and Physical Education College at Sana’a University.
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