Al-Nasser University Football Team Qualifies for Aqsa Flood Championship Finals
In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the football team of Al-Nasser University qualified for the finals of Aqsa Flood Championship organized by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the participation of Yemeni universities. The team reached the finals after winning against Ar-Rasheed University in the match held on Sat, 4 Nov 2023, in Tarfeehi playground.
The first goal was scored by Ar-Rasheed team, yet Al-Nasser could tie the result with goal scored from out of the penalty area by player Mohammed Jamal. Player Yosuf Erra’ei scored the 2nd goal soon before the end of the 1st halftime. In the 2nd halftime a 3rd goal was added by the top scorer Osamah Elhemiari to be followed by the 4th and 5th goals by the starring player Mohammed Waheeb. The game ended with the victory of Al-Nasser team by 5/1, thus qualifying for the final game, Al-Nasser vs. Future University, to be held on Tues, 7 Nov 2023.
The game was held in Tarfeehi playground in the presence of Mr. Murshid Al-Aghberi, Director of Human Resources Office at the University who is also in charge of Al-Nasser team and sports activities.

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