Al-Nasser University Partakes in Cancer Patient Support Campaign
Community service is the third objective of Al-Nasser University. To achieve this goal, the University took part in the 1/1 campaign organized by the National Cancer Control Foundation under the slogan “I will start my year charitably.” In this resepct, a visit was conducted to the National Center for Tumor Control by the University’s delegate comprising Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department), Mr. Murshid Elaghberi (Director of Human Resource Office), Mr. Khaled Elabsi (IT Specialist), and students, namely Mohammed Elghobari, Yosuf Eljailani, Yaser Elma’meri, Mohammed Elmahouiti form “Productive Pharmacist” cohort.
The delegate was received by Dr. Arwa Esselwi (the official in charge of chemotherapy medicine), Dr. Abdurrahman Elbekari (Head of External Medication), Dr. Latifa (Head of Pediatrician Section), and Dr. Mujahid (Principal of Emergency Section). The delegate presented a group medicines and medical aids for the Center’s patients. The current visit is a follow-up of the “Productive Pharmacist Exhibition” organized by Al-Nasser last September and included a charity bazar the proceeds of which went to Thalassemia and Cancer Patients.
The 1/1 campaign is an annual humanitarian event organized by the National Cancer Control Foundation. It is intent to gain the support necessary to keep on providing the healthcare and social services for about (20000) cancer patients that the Foundation sponsors through its various branches. The campaign proposes that charitable people within and outside the country ought to donate the wage of the new year’s first day to cancer control and healthcare.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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قام طلبة الصيدلة بجامعة الناصر، بتسليم ريع فعال...