Al-Nasser University Participates in Harvard Symposium

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Dr Mohammed Abdullah Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, has represented Al-Nasser University to the International Symposium organized by the International Journal of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, Boston, USA.  The five-day scientific conference was held between May 26 and 30.



In the event that was attended by researchers from various universities all over the world and representatives from the universities of Sana’a, Ibb, and Imran, Dr. Ismail presented a paper entitled “Comparing International Codes of Bridges Load and Real Trucks’ Overloads in Yemen.” The time allotted for the presentation was 15 minutes; thereafter it was open for the participants’ discussion.
According to Dr. Ismail, the research topic was carefully chosen in order to develop the bridges’ engineering technology in Yemen. After being accepted by Harvard University and the conference organizing committee, the paper was exclusively sponsored by Al-Nasser University so as to be represented in one of the most important international scientific conferences.  Participating in such assemblies, besides, help the University take advantage of international prominent expertise and innovation.


At the conference, Dr. Ismail participated also in the discussions of some presented papers as well as took notes of the remarks offered about his own presentation. It is expected to incorporate those remarks into the paper before getting it published in the Journal and, thus, archived as an academic reference for the interested researchers.


The Dean got the opportunity to visit certain renowned American universities, namely MIT and Harvard. He got acquainted with the universities’ resources, educational methods, curricula, and engineering and technical labs. Moreover, he discussed with academicians there the potentiality of benefiting from their experience to improve educational systems in the Yemeni universities.
