Al-Nasser University Presents Appreciation Certificate to Saba Pharma
An appreciation certificate was presented to Saba Pharmaceutical Company by Al-Nasser University in recognition of the former’s participation in training the Pharmacy fifth level students on pharmaceutical manufacturing and medicine control during the 2020/2021 academic year.
The certificate was handed over by a delegate from Faculty of Medical Sciences chaired by Dr. Wafa Elmath-haji (Head of Pharmacy Department) and membered by Mr. Jabr Elabsi (FMS lab technicians principal) and Ms. Afnan Elhoul (FMS lab technician) who visited the company’s headquarter at Sana’a for the purpose.
The delegate was received by Dr. Omar Wahas (the Company’s Technical Executive), Dr. Mohammed Esh-sharafi (Director of Research and Development), Dr. Belal Elmath-haji (Vice Manager of Quality Assurance), Dr. Fares Baqesh (Vice Director of Research and Development), and Dr. Osamah Elharoush (a researcher and developer).
Dr. Wafa appreciated the Company’s great contributions to Pharmacy students’ field training. She also confirmed the importance of practical learning for the Department’s programs as well as implementing the training plan of the Research and Training Office at Faculty of Medical Sciences.
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