Alnasser University Honoured by All Girls Foundation for Development
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Towards practically enacting Alnasser University’s contribution to civil societies and public aid foundations, Prof. Saeed Alghulaibi, the University Chancellor, attended the inauguration ceremony of Success Assembly Project. The ceremony that took place on March 17, 2014 at Alshwkani Auditorium of Media College, Sana’a University was organized by All Girls Foundation for Development, the patron of the project, under the sponsorship of the U. S. Embassy- Sana’a. All of Prof. Ali Qassim, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Osama Alansi, the Public Relations Officer at the U. S. Embassy, Sana’a University Chancellor, and the chancellors of many private universities were present at the ceremony.
A reportage on the project was presented during the inauguration program. In addition, Mrs. Intissar Aladhy, the Director of All Girls Foundation for Development delivered a speech that gave an overview of the foundation’s mission as well as vision for the future. She also appreciated the universities’ active contribution to the project’s success. During the ceremony, Alnasser University was honoured as an active contributor to the project along with other universities and foundations. The six-day assembly program will be hosted by Alnasser University next Thursday, 20/3/2014 at the Grand Auditorium, Medical Science College. It will start at 10 a. m. with a lecture entitled “Future Planning and Time Management” delivered by Dr. Ahmed Fawzi Asheeber.
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