ANU Board Seeks Promoting Collaboration with Shefaco Pharmaceutical Factory
Headed by Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram (CBT) and Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor), a staff and student delegate made a visit to Shefaco Pharmaceutical Factory located at 60 meter area on Sunday, 13 Oct 2019.
The delegate was received by the Factory’s Manager, Dr. Ahmed Ash-shehari, and the director of his office, Dr. Ala’a El-Wajeeh. The University’s board talked with the Factory’s management about promoting the mutual collaborative channels, particularly in the fields of the pharmaceutical and pharmacological research development as well as the field training for Al-Nasser students.
The University’s delegate comprised Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean), Dr. Lamya El-Akhali (FMS Academic Principal), Dr. Safyeh Erruzami (Head of Research & Training Office), in addition to the Pharmacy fifth-level students.
The delegate toured the factory’s various sections including: Monitoring & Quality, Research & Development, and Production. They have been guided by respective specialists at each section who introduced them to the medicines production mechanism there.
The visit was concluded by presenting Al-Nasser commemorative plaque to the Factory’s board in appreciation of their efforts of offering a field training to Pharmacy students as well as in renewal of the mutual cooperation.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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قام طلبة الصيدلة بجامعة الناصر، بتسليم ريع فعال...