ANU Organizes 2nd Fresher Day Celebration
In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the 2nd fresher day celebration (2019/2020) was organized by Al-Nasser University on Thursday, 14 Nov 2019, for FAFS and FH students at the Orphanage Hall located in Ennuadhah neighborhood, Sana’a.
Prof Tahish delivered a speech in which he addressed the fresher students urging them to stick to the University’s regulations as well as to avail themselves of the facilities it offers. He confirmed the university’s keen compliance with the standards of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the benchmarks of Academic Accreditation Council. As a result, Al-Nasser has been known to offer outstanding educational services and gained a good name in the field of scientific research and community service as well.
For his part, Dr. Fahd El-Khayat (FAFS Dean) noted in his speech that the university climate is a place to develop intellects, learn, and cultivate thoughts and manners. He strongly recommended students to usefully invest their college study since they represent the future generation that would develop the nation and help it reach the forefront.
Hosted by the starring presenters Belal El-Arabi and Basmah El-Math-haji, the event’s program included a promo about Al-Nasser University, a patriotic operetta performed by Arab Emperor Group, a show by PG Boys, a comic show by the starring actors of Elwafi Company, in addition to other varied shows. The celebration was concluded with honoring Al-Nasser by Orphanage Foundation in appreciation of the University’s sponsoring support.
As for the students impressions, Ms. Marwa El-Ameri (a Business Administration fresher) noted that the very idea of organizing such a celebration is amazing as it reflects the University’s as well as FAFS deanship’s commitment to students. The same viewpoint was shared by Ms. Thekra Dhafran (an Administrative Studies fresher) who further felt happy with the event’s program.
Ms. Haya El-Aqeeli (a Hospital Management fresher) noted that she could really sense the interaction of the University’s staff with students the act that would encourage them to excel in study.
Both Ahmed Esselwi (a Translation fresher) and Jamal farea’ (an IS fresher) highlighted Al-Nasser’s vivid care for students as it offers the requirements, including the faculty members and curricula, that help them get well-qualified.
The celebration was held in the presence of Dr. Anwar Masoud (Director of Quality Unit), Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (FH Dean), Dr Fahd El-Khayat (FAFS Dean), Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi (Head of English Department), Mr. Salah El-Edlah (Head of Administrative Stduies Department), a number of faculty and staff members, and a big gathering of both faculties’ fresher students.
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