ANU Shared its Experience in Academic Development & Quality Assurance Conference
In the presence of a large number of academicians and specialists, a paper that tackled Al-Nasser University’s academic development and quality assurance experience was presented by Dr. Anwar Maso’ud (Director of Quality Unit) in the First Scientific Conference of Academic Development & Quality Assurance.
Dr. Maso’ud reviewed in his presentation the ANU’s early beginning in improving the three services it offers: learning, research, and community aid. He pointed out that the university is implementing the strategic plans of all faculties in participation of labor market representatives as part of a mechanism by which weaknesses are spotted and treated. Principally, the program description and course specification were accomplished according to the templates of the Council of Academic Accreditation & Quality Assurance. They also have been reviewed, evaluated, followed-up in addition to inspecting the process of course testing and assessment.
Noting to the several development workshops organized for faculty and staff members, he highlighted the University’s early commitment to quality in both academic and administrative fields. He confirmed the ANU’s keen interest in the syllabi that significantly enhance the practical as well as field training skills along with preparing booklets for the purpose.
As for scientific research, he pointed out to the research guide prepared by the University, organizing the viva voce weeks during which researches are presented, publishing the outstanding studies, and sponsoring conferences. Besides, there are two scholarly refereed journals published regularly by Al-Nasser as well as a medical plant nursery for students to easily get familiar with.
The presentation was concluded with clarifying the ANU’s interest in establishing partnerships with the civil orgs that cover over 80 partnership agreements. In addition, its commitment to the community aid is carried out by participating in the vaccination and blood donation campaigns as well as organizing charity bazaars.
As a co-sponsor and an active participant, Al-Nasser University was honored at the end of the conference organized by the Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance under the slogan, “Quality: A Way towards a Learned Society.”
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