ANU Students Start New Academic Year with High Vigor
The first study day of the 2018/2019 academic year was started at AL-Nasser University’s various colleges and departments on Sat, Sep15, 2018.
Remarkably, the students began their classes with vigor and enthusiasm as the faculty members equally stuck to the class time tables, so the learning process progressed smoothly adherence to the 2018/2019 plan.
According to Dr. Mohammed EL-Kuhali (FAFS Dean), the new semester, inaugurated on Sat, was received by Al-Nasser University with many preparations that included competent faculty, accredited course syllabus, and well-equipped halls and labs. In addition, the training and activity plans were made ready so that the University can offer excellent educational services for students.
It is noteworthy that the students of second and above levels in addition to Pharmacy 1st level started their classes. The 1st level students of other departments were exempted since the 2018/2019 admission is still open to the various departments via the MOHESR’s e-application portal
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