Architecture Students Visit Under-Construction Residential Building at Sana’a
A field visit was conducted one of Sana’a’s residential buildings under construction by Architecture 2nd level students at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences on Sat, 5 June 2021.
The visit was intended to develop the students’ professional skills and practical experience that enhance the theoretical knowledge. The practical learning is very significant for an architecture student to practice the profession efficiently and cope with any future challenge occurring in the field of specialty.
The students were guided throughout the visit by Mr. Abdulghani Abu Areej, a faculty member. They were received by a number of the engineers in charge of the construction. The students showed a keen interest in identifying the work mechanism by which the project is executed as well as evaluating the constructed projects in light of the experience acquired form their study.
جامعة الناصر تقيم فعالية للإحتفال بذكرى ميلاد الزهراء
الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...نظمت جامعة الناصر اليوم الاثنين 29 / 6 / 1446 هـ ، الموافق 30 / 12 / 2024م ، وقفة تضامنية مع الشعب الفلسطيني تحت عنوان ” ثابتون مع غزة العزة… بلا سقف ولا خطوط حمراء ” .
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سجلت جامعة الناصر بصنعاء، حضورها في التصنيف الع...