AU Participated in Academic Benchmarks of Computer Programs Workshop
With Prof. Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) and Dr. Fahd El-Wesabi (Head of IT Department) as representatives, Al-Nasser University participated in the workshop organized by Sheba University on Jan 30, 2018 in collaboration with Academic Accreditation Council on “Setting up the Academic Benchmarks of Computer Programs at Yemeni Universities.”
The workshop was held in the presence of Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research who noted in his speech to its importance for setting the national academic benchmarks of computer programs. Improving such programs so as to go in line with the international universities standards would ensure quality outcomes that meet the needs on local as well regional labor market. He, moreover, highlighted the academicians’ key role in setting up the program mutual foundations for both state and private universities. Participants in the workshop included: Deputy Minister for Educational Institution Sector, a number of the Ministry’s consultants, Chairman of Academic Accreditation & Quality Assurance Council, and a large number of academicians from Yemeni universities.
The workshop meant to set up nationally accredited benchmarks to upgrade the course plans of computer and I T programs at Yemeni state and private universities.
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صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...